Landesbund für Vogelschutz Bayern The Noah's Ark Fund

Der Arche Noah Fond

Land purchase is active nature conservation!

With its project "ARCHE NOAH FONDS", the "Landesbund für Vogelschutz Bayern" (LBV) is effectively committed to the protection of nature and animals.
In Bavaria, almost half of all animal and plant species are on the Red List. Since 1984, the LBV has been giving these endangered species new habitats! In the last 30 years, the FOND has been able to protect over 3,000 hectares - around 4,300 football pitches - through purchase and lease. Besides the purchase, the constant care and maintenance of the protected areas is also important. The LBV owes it to the FOND and its donors that these purchases were possible. For example, with only 30 Euros, 15 square meters of bog areas can be purchased and thus 1,050 kg of carbon can be stored.

From October 2018 to September 2019 alone, thanks to numerous donations, around 43 hectares of biotope areas with a total value of over 1 million euros were secured.

Landesbund für Vogelschutz Bayern The Noah's Ark Fund